Welcome, one and...possibly more than one? to my first ever news post.
First of all, for those of you who enjoyed A Pikmin Story submitted during the summer of last year (or the ones just checking it out now since I mentioned it), no, I'm not dead, just real lazy. I've been working on the first flash in my new series for some time now, and I'm still working on it.
In case your eyes bypassed the subject line completely, I am writing this to set for myself a deadline for this flash. During the production of A Pikmin Story, I did not have any kind of deadline, therefore spent way too much time doing next to nothing. I've concluded that the only way I'm going to get this done in a desent...deecent...dicent...good amount of time, is to give myself the D-word.
My deadline for my next cartoon will be July 30th...yeah, that'll work.
Now that that's overwith, I promise to work as hard as possible so my excuse for not finishing it then will be something other than the fact that I'm lazy.
Well, I'm going to work my ass off in a panicy frenzy wondering what the fuck I just did that for. Maybe I'll post again, but until then, It's Flash time.